June 2020 Bulletin


Dear fellow print professionals,
We hope you are all safe and healthy. Moreover, you are keeping yourself happy and in a positive mind-frame. It is crucial as we are restarting, braving monumental challenges faced by the industry at large, and by each one of us.

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We are together in our struggle to restart our business operations, and thereby reinvigorating our industry. How long can we keep our companies shuttered after all? Besides webinars and knowledge-sharing initiatives, we are starting a series of articles in Print Bulletin to offer you insights into a wide range of business- and leadership-related topics.

We are sure you have received an email about BMPA’s elections. As much as it is for procedural compliance, we believe your participation in the election process will bring back a sense of normalcy. We have one more avenue to interact, express, and voice our opinion. In these elections, we have an opportunity to come forward and provide thought and operational leadership at the organisational level. We urge you to participate in BMPA elections, and the subsequent annual general meeting whenever it is announced.

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